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"Product" 19 search results
Q: Is it possible to have items in care forwarded domestically?A: We can only accept requests in unavoidable circumstances, such as if the purchased item is a prohibited item or if the delivery method to the destination country is suspended.■ In case of prohibited itemsPlease follow the steps below for items in the “Pending Packages” section of My Page.For products that are in “Pending Items” due to being contraband, etc., users may complete forwarding procedures from their Mypage.Mypage > View Items > Pending Items > Enter / Confirm > follow form instructions and enter your informationFor all other items that are not prohibited, please prepare the following and contact Customer Support.- Domestic forwarding address- Name of recipient- Phone number- If the address is a hotel, please also inform us of your lodging datesFurther, please note that domestic forwarding comes with an additional 1,000JPY fee that is separate from standard shipping charges.
Q: How can I use my Rakuten Global Express “address for shopping” on shopping websites?A: Please set your shipping address on the site to the “address for shopping” you received when registering for Rakuten Global Express. You can check your “address for shopping” on your My Page.【Purchases made on Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books】After receiving an address for shopping when registering for Rakuten Global Express, you can press the “Add it now” button to quickly add it to your list of shipping addresses on your Rakuten account. You can check how to make purchases here.【Items purchased from online shopping sites other than Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books or real store in Japan】When making your purchase, please set your shipping address on the site to the “address for shopping” you received through Rakuten Global Express. AmazonYahoo ShoppingZOZO Town
Q: Are there anything I should be careful about when shipping chemicals products to the United States?A: In the United States, the import of chemical products* is regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).When using Super Express, you may be required to submit a TSCA form.Please fill out the form and submit it to the local customs office or delivery company.You can download the TSCA form template here.*Example of chemical products:・Liquid (drinking water is not included, but water for research purposes is included in this definition)・Ink (including ballpoint pens, felt-tip pens, fountain pens, and markers)・Toner, paint, lacquer, wax
Q: Are there anything I should be careful about when shipping pearls to the United States?A: When using Super Express, additional information may be required when import.If additional information is requested, please contact your local customs office or shipping company with the information below.【Required information】・Scientific name of pearl・Cultivated or natural・Manufacturer information (manufacturer name and address)
Q: What is the pre-registration of package information?A: [Items purchased from Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books]Customers do not need to pre-register, as they are automatically registered via My Page. [Items purchased from online shopping sites other than Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books or real store in Japan]Pre-registration on My Page is required. Please follow the instructions to enter the information accurately. Information that needs to be inputted: - The online shopping site or real store's name- The package tracking number (optional)- The product's name- The number of items- The total costRegistration method:Mypage > Awaiting Packaging Request > Pre-register your purchased item(s) *Excluding RakutenPlease enter the above information as part of a new registration and click on the "Register" button.Items can be added by clicking on "Add line."*As a general rule, please make a separate registration for each package (having the same package tracking number). Please input separate registration information for packages divided or sent separately, even if they were purchased from the same online shopping site. Deletion method:If you make a mistake while registering your package, go to: Pre-registered package > Edit > Delete and click on the "Update" button.
Q: Why is the product price at the time I placed my order different to the product price I see on My Page?A: [Purchased items at Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books]The product amount displayed on My Page is the amount after a coupon has been applied.* From February 10th 2022, the above amount will be reflected on My Page regardless of the time of purchase.The way the displayed amount is calculated differs according the type of coupon.Please check the details below.・ When using a discount rate coupon (example: 10% discount coupon)〈Order details〉Product A: 6,000 JPY x 1 itemProduct B: 4,000 JPY x 1 item〈Coupon contents〉10% discount coupon〈Calculation method〉Product A: 6,000 JPY - 600 JPY (10% discount) = 5,400 JPYProduct B: 4,000 JPY - 400 JPY (10% discount amount) = 3,600 JPY〈Amount displayed on My Page〉Product A: 5,400 JPYProduct B: 3,600 JPY・ When using a fixed amount discount coupon (example: 1,000 JPY discount coupon)〈Order details〉Product A: 4,000 JPY x 1 itemProduct B: 6,000 JPY x 1 item〈Coupon contents〉1,000 JPY discount coupon〈Calculation method〉(1) Calculate the total amount of the order.Product A: 4,000 JPY + Product B: 6,000 JPY = Total amount: 10,000 JPY(2) Calculate the distribution ratio of each product from the total amount of (1).Product A: 4,000 JPY ÷ 10,000 JPY = 40%Product B: 6,000 JPY ÷ 10,000 JPY = 60%(3) Determine the discounted amount for each product using the distrbution ratio from (2).Product A: 1,000 JPY x 40% = 400 JPYProduct B: 1,000 JPY x 60% = 600 JPY(4) The discount amount worked out in (3) is deducted from each product amount.Product A: 4,000 JPY - 400 JPY = 3,600 JPYProduct B: 6,000 JPY - 600 JPY = 5,400 JPY〈Amount displayed on My Page〉Product A: 3,600 JPYProduct B: 5,400 JPYIf the invoice document at the time of shipping or the shipping label show item prices, these will be the price after applying the coupon.In addition, please note that the amount after applying the coupon will be applied to export/import customs clearance declarations.[Purchased items from online shopping sites other than Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Books]If you would like to correct the pre-registration information for your registered items information, please check here.
Q: I received an E-mail concerning prohibited items, but I do not know what items are relevant.A: All items with "*** UNSHIPPABLE (Flammable products) ***" written above the product name in the E-mail are considered prohibited items. You can also check by looking for "Prohibited Items Included" on the Pending Items section of your MyPage.
Q: What happens if the item I sent to Rakuten Global Express is a prohibited item?A: You can request a domestic transfer, return it to the store, or dispose of it.If the item has already arrived at the warehouse and is in your "Pending Items" list, you can make the request from Mypage by filling in the form and submit.Please note that a domestic shipping and handling fee of ¥1,000 will be charged for domestic transfers and returns to stores.What is Restricted & Prohibited Items?
Q: Is there a way to determine whether a product is flammable?A: If the product has a Keep Fire Away warning on the outside, it may be flammable. Please ask the vendor shop if you are unsure. (Please note that there are cases where the product falls under the category of dangerous items, even when there is no Keep Fire Away warning.)
Q: What should I do if I am unsure whether the product I want to send is a product that cannot be sent?A: Please see the Products that cannot be delivered overseas page. If you are unsure after reading the above, please contactRakuten Global Express customer support. We will advise you based on the information provided.
Q: Is there a way to determine whether a product is a high-pressure spray can?A: It is likely that a metal bottle-shaped product with an inward depression at the bottom is a high-pressure spray can.
Q: Would you tell me about product characteristics?A: Rakuten Global Express cannot answer your question on a product. Contact the sales outlet. Thank you.
Q: Will you tell me about product inventories?A: Rakuten Global Express cannot answer your question on a product. Contact the sales outlet. Thank you.
Q: Will you tell me about the product size and weight?A: Rakuten Global Express cannot answer your question on a product. Contact the sales outlet. Thank you.
Q: Will you tell me if a lithium ion battery is used or how much alcohol is contained in an item?A: Rakuten Global Express cannot answer your question on a product. Contact the sales outlet. Thank you.
Q: I would like to return an item registered in the "My page" section. What should I do?A: Directly consult with your sales outlet and then contact our customer support. If you send it back to the sales outlet, we will charge you the cost of return shipping and a domestic forwarding fee. For more information, visit our fee page.
Q: I would like to describe a product price at a lower level or at 0 yen.A: We will describe your purchase price as your product price. We will not change it. We would be grateful if you could cooperate with us.
Q: I would like to correct package data registered in the "My page" section. What should I do?A: Contact our customer support.
Q: I would like you to refuse the reception of my items.A: We cannot meet your personal request in terms of receiving your items. Contact the sales outlet directly.
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